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Kids in Preschool

Kids in Preschool

"To Teach A Child To Invest & Use Is Better Than To Teach Him To Save."

- Henry Ford, My Life and Work


This company is established to help the community prepare and understand the concept of money management as well as becoming financially stable.

Our motto is: "To promote financial literacy through early administration of effective education."



CEO/Author/Financial Consultant
Tutorial Lectures by Courtney is a financial literacy company assessing strategies of early financial education. Tutorial Lectures by Courtney is a locally-based company that delivers tutelage in this arena. We provide this education to help assist our children, teens, and adults for a brighter future. Tutorial Lectures by Courtney aims to educate all the public’s youth and adults on the importance of being “financially fit” and being aware of their financial decisions and its impact. We strive to create a beneficial and interactive learning experience that will open doors to active financial literacy and critical decision making.

News & Press

The highly anticipated "Stacking Pennies" and "Stacking Dollars" are International!

- Political Points guest speaker, 1270AM Norfolk, VA

- MNN Inside View guest speaker Manhattan, NY

Business Live guest speaker Chesapeake, VA




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